Written on Sep 12, 2015
***3.5 Stars***
I enjoyed Unlikely Love by Riann C Miller. We meet 18 year old Kole (Nikole) and 20 year old Adam. Kole has had a very hard life growing up with a party hard Mum and Step Dad. She spent many years looking after them instead of them looking after her. She doesn’t want to stay and follow in their footsteps, so she works hard at school to get a scholarship to College. When her parents die in a car accident, she accepts a scholarship to a college in LA. Life seems to be finally going right for her and the transition seems easy, maybe too easy. Not one to kick a gift horse in the mouth, she packs her bags and heads off.
Adam is a typical trust fund Daddy’s boy, with money in his pocket and a fancy car to drive around in. Luckily he’s smart and manages to keep Daddy happy by keeping up good grades and following most of his rules. This gives him the freedom to party hard and sleep around. Daddy has plans for Adam’s future, but allows him to sow his wild oats until he finishes College. In the summer holidays he heads home to LA to have a little fun.
Kole gets a job in a coffee shop to help with expenses, while at work she gets knocked off her feet by Adam. There is an instant attraction which neither can deny. This is the turning point in both their lives.
There is a lot of angst throughout the story and I mean A LOT. First off there is the young college angst that drives me a little bonkers. Immaturity, recklessness and entitlement were the main problems for this couple. When things finally come to a burning point, it was just a little too convenient (plot wise) that the couple couldn’t/didn’t communicate. They break up with what seems like not much of a fight which leads to a separation of 12 years.
Kole and Adam spend the 12 years apart kind of hating each other, but not being able to move on either. When the opportunity presents itself to clear things up and try to move on together they must work through some difficulties that have arisen in their time apart.
Overall this was a good debut for the author. I enjoyed the story but felt that there wasn’t a lot of maturity gained for either Kole or Adam from the time they are 18 and 20 to 30 and 32. They still seemed to struggle with their same demons and sort most of their problems between the sheets. There were times I was frustrated for the couple, times I cried and times I just wanted things to be easier for them. Unlikely Love sucked me in little by little and had me turning each page hoping that the next one was the one where everything would work out. It all turned out well in the end and the sort of epilogue left a little smile on my face.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review.