Baroness Book Trove
Will Ransom find someone to give his loyalty to?
Marshall "Ransom" Barton
Marshall, better known as Ransom, is the main character of this new prequel series to Kingfountain. We follow Ransom during different parts of his life, from when he was eight years old until he was twenty-three years old. It's not a continuous account either as we jump from different years, but I liked it, especially with hearing a bit from Claire, a potential love interest of Ransom. All Ransom has ever wanted was to find a place where he belonged. People who could be friends and especially to serve a lord as his knight. Sadly that isn't in the cards for Ransom. I felt bad for him throughout the entire book.
The Story
The story starts with a historian trying to figure out these early years of the kingdom's life and can't find much about the time of where there are two kings with the same name. Then we pop into Ransom's story, and he is trying to find a place in this cruel time, basically. All Ransom has ever wanted was to find someone to serve as a knight and not only that but to find a place to belong. Ransom has had a tough time on that in all forms of a way for it to work. He is all about loyalty, and finding that is hard, especially with war trying to come in.
Five Stars
Knight's Ransom by Jeff Wheeler is a roller coaster of emotions. First, your laughing, then your crying, and then you're mad at Mr. Wheeler and closing the book to walk away for an hour. Just to come back and do it all over again. Sometimes in a different order. Mr. Wheeler is a fantastical author who gives all these emotions to his readers within his books. This is my first book from this guy, and I'm definitely coming back to read more from him. I might also, at some point, go back to read his Kingfountain series. I am giving this book five stars and recommending it to anyone that reads historical fantasy or just fantasy in general since I really think that you will like it!
Coming in May 2021
Coming in September 2021
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Knight's Ransom by Jeff Wheeler.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove