Written on Jul 14, 2020
In my eyes, a fantastic story can make me feel lots of different emotions.
I was angry at her arrogance.
I was frustrated with the narrow-minded views of both the upper and lower classes.
I was sad that workers were expected to work in such deplorable conditions.
I sighed in delight with every romantic thought that was expressed verbally and internally by Mr John Thornton to his beautiful, Margaret Hale.
I smiled each time Mr Bell made an appearance. He was so lovable.
I cried for all of the loss that Margaret faced in such a short period of time.
While I really enjoyed listening to North and South I can admit to struggling a little with understanding some of the accents. In some cases, I didn't even bother going back to re-listen because I didn't think it would help. I got the drift, but I wouldn't have been able to tell you the words if my life depended on it.
The romance was a slow burn and we get to the very end before we 'see' them together. Luckily, I have read and watched this one before, so I knew what was in store. This is a story about class, fighting for what you believe in, and making the best of every situation.
I'm going to watch this one again. I absolutely LOVE the BBC version with Richard Armitage.