Written on Aug 10, 2020
Oh hi, I loved this book. A lot. It centers around Ingrid, who has just suffered a concussion during a brutal diving injury. Have you ever seen a diver hit their head on the board? It is horrifying. The blood, the dead silence of the crowd... 0/10, do not recommend. Well, neither does Ingrid. After a very successful career, she's doubting herself and her capabilities. She's never before felt that sense of doubt, so it's shaken her. And with her injury, she is forced to step back from diving, which has become her life.
One of the side effects of her concussion seems to be insomnia, and while she's awake roaming the halls, Ingrid reconnects with neighbor/former friend/longtime crush Van. Van just so happened to be at the meet where Ingrid was hurt and okay, maybe Ingrid had been a bit rattled when she saw him canoodling her teammate right before her dive. Look, this is why my high school coach would kick any guy immediately off the deck, she'd not even need security, she'd just drag him away herself. By the ear, probably. I digress.
Not only are Ingrid and Van rekindling their friendship, but they're on a mission to find out a few things: What is up with the creepy, abandoned house next door; what the deal is with their other (former) mutual friends; why neither one of them can sleep; and a whole other slew of mysteries that creep up along the way.
I'll say no more, because spoilers. But the mystery is really fun (and I didn't see where it was headed at all!) but even more wonderful is how Ingrid learns and grows, and takes the time to build (and rebuild) relationships with her family, her friends (current and former), and begins to figure out what she really wants out of life.
Bottom Line: I loved this book so much, and I am so afraid to spoil any of it for you, so you should really just read the thing.