Plus, Team Human is good enough to stand on its own too and not just because it's an atypical vampire story. It's funny and lighthearted. It's frustrating in your typical YA fashion. It's got just enough of a mystery to be intriguing. And it has enough general non-preachy life lessons to make it worthwhile. Friends change. You can't control your life or decisions other than your own. Don't rush into a decision---and don't do something just because it's what's expected of you. All good stuff.
I'm almost a little sad Team Human is a standalone. I would've picked up its sequel in a heartbeat. That said, hooray for standalones! Team Human works perfectly as a standalone, with just enough world building to make it real to us without bogging us down. It's not necessarily a place I'd want to live, but I was intrigued. And that's good stuff.