Written on Jun 11, 2013
This is a really cute graphic novel that centers around the Storyteller, who likes to collect and tell all manner of stories, and his cute dog. There are 9 stories total. Some of the tales he tells are really well known and others are a bit more obscure or only well known in certain parts of the world. As I said before each story comes with it’s own art style that matches the story’s origin or ‘feel’. I really loved Puss in Boots and The Crane Wife, I already knew those stories but the art was really fitting and made the stories a bit more ‘fun’.
I think this would be perfect for kids because this would be something I would have loved as a kid. I think the whole storyteller idea is brilliant because it becomes sort of interactive if a parent chooses to read it with their child. The Jim Henson company definitely hit the mark with this one, and I wouldn’t mind seeing more tales told like this.