Written on Feb 21, 2018
Sex. That's what this story is about. There was only one chapter in the book which didn't mention sex or rape in some way or form. Instead of focusing on the story-line, you know the plot? The whole book was about how Dean wanted to have sex with Xochi (which he ends up not doing). I found that at LEAST 75% of the book was about Dean trying to control his 'physical reaction' OR about how he felt 'wrong about moving on from Lisa'. If I wanted to read a book about sex I would have went to the romance section. The few pages (20 max) of actual plot? Those were alright, but seriously this was hard to read and I had to force myself hopeful it would get better. It didn't. I feel like the show was not represented well, nor were the character (except Sam actually, soulless Sam was written fine) For anyone who is a Castiel fan, he was portrayed as useless in this. It would have been far better for him to simply not have been in the story at all then the paragraph where he said he couldn't help because of 'Heavily Restrictions' Like the Angel just rebelled against Heaven, if Dean was in serious danger he would have said 'screw the rules' and helped not said that he couldn't because of regulations. Very VERY disappointed in this book, placed this author on my 'do not read' list.