Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 11, 2019
A castle, a ghost, and murder! It doesn’t get much better than that.
Trouble on the Books by Essie Lang is a marvelous start to this new cozy mystery series, Castle Bookshop Mysteries. This book is the first that I have read of Essie Lang or her alter ego, Linda Wiken. I first saw this book a couple of months ago, and I knew then that I had to read it. The cover art is so magnificent and drew me in, but the plot summary is what hooked me.
Shelby Cox
Our sleuth is Shelby, she has returned to Alexandria Bay where she was born, after her father’s death. She was in the book publishing business, but now she is partners with her aunt in a bookshop named Bayside Books. Shelby is running things while her Aunt Edie recovers from surgery. She is mainly the day to day person at the Blythe Castle seasonal store. Shelby has rented a houseboat for the summer and seems to be settling in well.
I liked that Shelby was motivated to do an excellent job for her aunt, able to forgive and that she loves chocolate as much as I do. If I ran a store that stocked chocolate truffles, let’s just say that I would have lost quite a bit of my wages.
The only thing that I disliked about Shelby was that she didn’t ask her father the questions that she wanted to ask even if he seemed full of sorrow. He didn’t have to answer, but she should have tried harder to talk to him before he died.
Zack Griffin
Zack is with the Coast Guard Investigative Service. He is investigating the death of Loreena along with the local police chief and the state police. Yep, lots of law enforcement in on this investigation.
Zack is a nice guy, and he can cook. He doesn’t talk about the case with Shelby even when she tries to trick him into revealing something. Zack is smart, witty, athletic and kind. I liked him after a few meetings. At first, he came across as a stiff investigator looking to pin the murder on Shelby.
The mystery is the best part; in fact, there are a couple of puzzles going. We have Loreena’s murder which is first and foremost. Which is wonderfully plotted out with clues here and there if you are paying attention and not getting too wrapped up in Shelby’s drama. Which leads us to the next mystery of what happened to Shelby’s mom and why won’t anyone talk to her about it? I will let you read the book to figure that part out.
5 Stars for Trouble on the Books by Essie Lang
My rating for Trouble on the Books by Essie Lang is five stars. I love the personal drama that Shelby adds to the mysteries and the possible love that Shelby may have found with Zack. I can’t wait for the next installment, so start writing Ms. Lang.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Trouble on the Books by Essie Lang.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove