Written on Sep 22, 2011
The problem is the characters weren't engaging enough for me to care about much of anything she was saying. Clara is a dim-witted heroine who was more frustrating than interesting. Lizzie was the only one who was any fun or somewhat interesting and there wasn't enough of her. Everyone else is portrayed at such a distance that I was never invested in any of them. The book was so slow in places that made me painfully aware of how long it was. I never really got to know the guy she loved enough to love him also or to delight in their interactions or to even really need them to be together. At one point I hoped Clara would end up with the wrong guy and be miserable for the rest of her life because she deserved it.
I definitely thought the corruption that was revealed was disturbing and honest and sad. But by that time, it was too late. I didn't like the book enough to be interested enough in it. I would much rather have really known fully developed and interesting characters and been invested in their romances and had fun reading about the dancing and the flirting and then had the rug pulled from under me. I would have enjoyed and respected a book like that.