Written on Dec 11, 2011
Cameron McKenzie is the vet for Fool’s Gold and since his wife walked out on their baby daughter, he’s gone solo, and 9 years later, that works for him. Rina Fiore works at Cameron’s vets’ as the resident pet groomer and has been in love with Cameron for a year, and already feels close to his daughter since she looks after her every day, so it seems only natural that Rina tells Cameron of her feelings… But his reaction stuns her, and she finds herself wishing she hadn’t risked her feelings after all, especially since its the holiday season.
It’ll take you only minutes – about 10 or 15 – to complete Only Us. Yes, it’s a short story and it’s SHORT (would you believe me if I told you there was a review on Amazon that complains it’s short? There really is and it makes me wonder what they expect from a “SHORT story”). However, it’s a short story I thoroughly enjoyed. In the short time we were with Rina, Cameron and his daughter Kaitlyn, I felt like we really got to know them. I felt warmed by the tale, and although I won’t say it was too short (it was not), I could have happily read a full-length novel to feature the three of them because they made an impression even if it was such a short time we knew them.
Only Us is short, sweet, romantic and the perfect little story to curl up with as Christmas approaches. I loved it, I really did and I felt it was just a lovely addition to what is a pretty brilliant series. It whets your appetite for what’s to come in Fool’s Gold and it was so, so nice to see Jo’s bar again and meet Heidi again, and hear about the Hendrixes… It had quite a bit to it considering it’s a short story and it was perfect! I just lapped it up, and I do wish it was another full-length novel but for what it was it was awesome and Mallery fans will just devour it and rightly so. It was just so good and I loooved it. Kudos to Susan Mallery, she’s done it yet again!