Written on May 11, 2020
I wasn't particularly impressed with that deus ex machina - in case you're wondering I am referring to Thomas coincidentally finding the cure to the poison for Jess. I saw it coming a mile away and was disappointed as I had hoped that this book might do the unthinkable and just let the MC die in the end. Would have been pretty shocking. But no, she went the easy route instead.
When we got to part where Wolfe is summoned by his father though I suddenly no longer minded that deus ex machina because here was something even more ridiculous and annoying. Morgan is inside of her magic ring and still alive but forever now, and she is super powerful inside the ring and... what. the. hell. No really, what the hell? How stupid! That whole scene almost turned me off the whole book, it was just that stupid. I am just going to pretend it didn't happen.