Baroness Book Trove
Written on Aug 10, 2020
Can Reece get Claire to stay in Rebel again? And maybe to trust him again?
Claire Bellard
Claire Bellard is a great character. In the fact that she has flaws like any other person and one of her significant flaws happens to be that Reece Rainbolt broke her heart six years ago and isn't quite over it. Claire is a fantastic mom, but I may disagree on letting Zoe believe in the tooth fairy. She is a strong force, and it's good to have daughters see that in their mom, especially during hard times in their lives. The two things that I dislike about her is of course, about the tooth fairy since if she doesn't believe in that, does she believe in Santa? The other thing I dislike about her is that she doesn't try to see that Reece is different. It's like she has wrapped her heart and Zoe's heart in a security blanket so that Reece can't get in.
Reece Rainbolt
Reece Rainbolt is an excellent character. We can see that he has changed from what he used to be, and he's a mature man that wants to have more in life. Granted, Reece probably didn't think he would be an instant daddy until he saw Zoe. I think one of the fantastic things to have helped this two heal is having Zoe as a buffer for them and seeing each other in a new light. Those shadows from six years ago are getting brighter. It's great to see how a child can do that, and it has helped Reece and Claire a lot. Reece is good for them both, and I couldn't find anything to dislike about him.
Four Stars
I am giving Ready to Trust by Tina Radcliffe four stars as it is a great book. I loved everything about it and laughed out loud at specific points. Ms. Radcliffe did a fantastic job on this novel. Zoe is such a character, and she will be a handful for her parents in her teen years. I am also recommending this book to anyone that reads inspirational clean, and wholesome romances. Or to ones that love to read romance novels!
Other Books in the Series
Finding the Road Home by Tina Radcliffe
Hearts of Oklahoma #1
Romance, Clean and Wholesome, Inspirational
ebook and Paperback, 224 Pages
Published Date: February 18th, 2020
Some paths need courage to follow…
Can they find their fresh startwith roadblocks around every corner?
To care for her orphaned nieces and nephews, Daisy Anderson moved to a small town for a new deputy position—but now her job could be eliminated. With potential budget cuts looming, her only hope is to work with police chief Mitch Rainbolt to save their department’s funds. But can their fight for her job lead to something neither dared wish for: a future together?
Coming in December
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This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove