Written on Nov 21, 2015
Because that's just how Julie Anne Long writes. It's addictive and it's awesome and I always want more. Always. ALWAYS.
The prologue sets us for some interesting back story that will no doubt stretch the entirety of the series. (I've already requested and downloaded the next book in the series from the library because NEED IT NOOOOOW.) I'm excited to see how this plays out over the next couple books, especially with how Beauty and the Spy sets this up.
Susannah has some really bad luck. That's really the basis of this story. Except, you know, because this is a book, it's not really bad luck, actually, but something much more sinister. And of course Kit (the spy, in case that wasn't clear) is around to make sure Susannah doesn't come to harm.
Fair warning: despite the regularity of my On a Book Bender reviews, it's been weeks (perhaps even months) since I read a book, and this was a much needed escape back into the historical romance world. Into the book world, really, and it just hit all the right spots. I needed an escape, and Julie Anne Long provided it. Can it get any better than that?
It can. Its name is Beauty and the Spy. If, like me, you need more JAL after the Pennyroyal Green series, this book is definitely a good place to start. Now excuse me while I read the next book in the series...