Written on Oct 21, 2017
My mother always told me that hate was not a nice word, so, I've created an *I disliked immensely* shelf. Unfortunately The Right Kind of Rogue was not a winner for...Read more
I found nothing Right in this kind of Rogue
My mother always told me that hate was not a nice word, so, I've created an *I disliked immensely* shelf. Unfortunately The Right Kind of Rogue was not a winner for me. Seriously, I haven't hated a hero this much in a very long time. And, the bloody heroine, she's a silly twit. And, her "friends", well I've met nicer enemies.
(show spoiler)[This guy is a manwhore and I have no hope that he's learnt the error in his ways. I've read some storylines where the hero comes good, but I'm not convinced this hero can. Their first sex scene, in his thoughts, he's comparing her to whores he's had previous relations with. THAT'S BAD!! I didn't need to know that and I'm not sure why the author felt a need for us to know that either. Sure, reinforce that he has slept around. Thanks for convincing me he thinks she's a whore.
After he's married, he's still considering slipping upstairs with women who are available. Look, I'm not a fan of cheating, but it wasn't that that I had a problem with (well not that alone). He was so self-centred, arrogant and conceited. I could not work out what the heroine found remotely appealing about him. In love with him since she was 16??? Doubtful. I think it was young foolish infatuation that she never grew out of. He was the only gentleman she'd been in contact with because most men (marriage prospects) avoided her because of her lack of dowry and her family's social standing.]
97% is way too late in the game to be showing (well, trying to show) yourself in a better light. The way you did it, by humiliating the love of your life, well, let's say that I'm not convinced you have a better light.
Two stars (instead of one) because it was well written and I did manage to finish it, I was just scowling the whole way through with a scoff at the HEA.
Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
My mother always told me that hate was not a nice word, so, I've created an *I disliked immensely* shelf. Unfortunately The Right Kind of Rogue was not a winner for me. Seriously, I haven't hated a hero this much in a very long time. And, the bloody heroine, she's a silly twit. And, her "friends", well I've met nicer enemies.
(show spoiler)[This guy is a manwhore and I have no hope that he's learnt the error in his ways. I've read some storylines where the hero comes good, but I'm not convinced this hero can. Their first sex scene, in his thoughts, he's comparing her to whores he's had previous relations with. THAT'S BAD!! I didn't need to know that and I'm not sure why the author felt a need for us to know that either. Sure, reinforce that he has slept around. Thanks for convincing me he thinks she's a whore.
After he's married, he's still considering slipping upstairs with women who are available. Look, I'm not a fan of cheating, but it wasn't that that I had a problem with (well not that alone). He was so self-centred, arrogant and conceited. I could not work out what the heroine found remotely appealing about him. In love with him since she was 16??? Doubtful. I think it was young foolish infatuation that she never grew out of. He was the only gentleman she'd been in contact with because most men (marriage prospects) avoided her because of her lack of dowry and her family's social standing.]
97% is way too late in the game to be showing (well, trying to show) yourself in a better light. The way you did it, by humiliating the love of your life, well, let's say that I'm not convinced you have a better light.
Two stars (instead of one) because it was well written and I did manage to finish it, I was just scowling the whole way through with a scoff at the HEA.
Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.