Romance Schmomance
Written on Nov 14, 2016
Wahhhhh, I can't believe it's over, however, it was the perfect conclusion to such a unique and beautiful series. I don't even know what to say about this book, it's such a solid series and the way Heather tells this story is just beautifully done. Gosh, even the intimate scenes are so elegantly written that you just want to weep over them. I definitely can't conjure up the words to say about this series.
I don't know many other authors that can magically intertwine many characters from classic literature and turn it into a brand new adventure. She pulls many characters and you're able to pick out each of their stories and not be confused about the bigger story.
Sometimes when there are too many characters involved, it's easy for the plot to get lost in all of that. The side characters played a huge role in this story and they were necessary.
Finn and Alice, I love them both, so much. Their relationship is something raw and real. Their utmost devotion to each other is one of the reasons why I fell in love with this series. They fought through the impossible and your heart will constantly break for the both of them. So ... many ... sacrifices had to be made and I was just wondering when it would end and their happily ever after would come.
Heather, I have to say you ended this book PERFECTLY, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to come up with something that we'd all be happy with. I'll miss all these characters, but their stories live on. Thank you for writing such a series that will leave a mark on my mind.
ARC provided for review by Inkslinger PR.