Written on Oct 8, 2016
This world accepts the reality of a gender spectrum, but ultimately it still thinks in very binary terms. (Hey! Just like in our world!) So transition is heavily “encouraged” (cough cough) by the government. Kivali is genderfluid, so rather than a stereotypical transition story, this is more about being true to yourself, accepting yourself, and realizing that we all have something to contribute to our community.
This brings up something so important, even among those who consider themselves progressive/liberal: How do we treat trans people who choose not to transition? Or those who don’t present female/male “enough,” who don’t present the way we think they “should”? These are deep, intricate themes that are naturally present in Lizard Radio (no preaching from the author needed) because you can’t accept the gender spectrum without these questions coming forth, demanding to be addressed.
Many times in dystopian novels the bad guy is pretty clear. Here? Not so much. I didn’t know what to think about one character in particular, almost to the very end. It was disturbing and absolutely delightful! The ending had a The Giver kind of feel, which is fine, but I wanted more. I want a sequel that explores an area outside the camp.
Lizard Radio was a great read, and I am so happy Schmatz has a backlist for me to devour!