Written on Mar 23, 2017
There were some dark and chilling moments with interesting characters who I'd like to get to know in future installments, but despite being incredibly well written there was just something about it that just couldn't make me love it.
The whole idea of magic in this world was a little lacking. It existed to do perfectly normal things that we already have machines to do. The magus seem to have little purpose other than operating machinery or making clocks run on time. So what the hell is the big deal?
My second issue was with the 'romance'. It was painfully generic and saccharine. Charlotte loves George because he's good. A big deal is made of her wanting to marry him. But the narrative doesn't really make me believe she even likes George! Then of course we have the appearance of the handsome magus Hopkins who naturally takes everyone's breath away and we then get to hear about how beautiful he is every time he graces the page. It was sloppy.
I enjoyed the read. It had a decent plot, was generally well written, and had some real atmosphere. I'm not sure if the plan is to release these in serial though? The story wasn't self-contained. I'd rather just read a finished book, because this just left me unsatisfied.