Junko Tabei Masters the Mountains is a biography of mountaineer Junko Tabei aimed at middle grade readers. Due out 25 Feb 2020 from Rebel Girls, it's 128 pages and will be available in hardback and audio formats.
This is a biography which is factually based but also has allowed some (unspecified) changes for narrative flow. I liked that Junko wasn't naturally athletic or academically gifted. She worked for her progresses and when she had failures and setbacks, she picked herself up and tried again. Strength and conviction are a recurring theme in her life and I respect her determination.
Stories with strong and believable female role models are important and welcome for boys and girls alike. This is a well told biography of a subject who will be unfamiliar to the majority of readers. The art by Montse Galbany is colorful and engaging and illustrates the story well.
Well done and worthwhile. This would be a superlative choice for classroom, school library, gift, or personal library.
Five stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.