Written on Jun 28, 2018
• Pro: It was amazing to see the changes Adrienne experienced during this story. I really liked the way Park slowly peeled back her layers to let us actually see what was at the root of Adrienne's pain. I also thought she was quite funny, and her commentary during the first part of the book was pretty hilarious.
• Pro: After many years, Adrienne was still grieving her father's death. Her pain was heartbreaking, and I cheered as she made progress working through her grief.
• Pro: Faith was a big theme in this book. Faith in a higher power, faith in your family, faith in a legendary family, faith in yourself. It pops up over and over again in this story, and Parks approached it in a very thoughtful way.
• Pro: The Siberian setting was pretty much new for me, and Parks did a great job exposing us to both the beauty and the dangers of the land, as well as the challenges faced by those living there.
• Pro: There were tears! There were several moments in the book, which just hit me in the feels. The fact that I shed tears for these characters means I formed an attachment to them.
• Pro: The bond Adrienne formed with the Osinov's was really special. She worked hard to earn their trust and affection, but by the end, there was not doubt that the love was reciprocated.
• Pro: I wasn't expecting it, but I pleasantly surprised by the magical elements Parks incorporated in this story. They were used wisely and added a little mystery to this tale.
• Pro: There were some really heart-pumping moments in the story, and I really felt the urgency to survive during these scenes.
• Pro: What an unexpected, but beautiful ending. This book presented itself as one thing, but it was really about so much more, and the conclusion left me in a happy place.
Overall: An inventive and intriguing exploration of grief, faith, family, forgiveness, and love.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.