(show spoiler)[I despised poor Brac for being obtuse even though I guess he always was....Read more
(show spoiler)[I despised poor Brac for being obtuse even though I guess he always was. But this time that gets him into trouble. And I hate when characters are stupid for the sake of conflict. I mostly don’t mind bad guys but when the good guys start trouble by being stupid it’s annoying.
A little bit I get Mor and Tanwen. There were moments when I get them—on the ship when she tells him don’t, that she’ll just get soft and caught up again... and in the hallway of the ship in that moment. But it still didn’t quite feel like enough depth. Like there were moments and then there was talking about moments. And yet somehow it worked because there’s definitely more emotion in this book. ]
The magic gets a little wild going from stories to ideas to anything goes. Normally that would bother me more but it stays within some rules and it served the story fairly well. And there’s worse things.
I adore Kharn and wanted more there. But I’m expecting more in the next book so that’s ok. And I don’t mind that it ends horribly because there’s another book and I don’t have to wait for it and I think, like Tanwen’s friends, that it’s all going to work out.