Written on Jun 2, 2013
Caleb's POV is once again the main focus, but there are the occasional chapters from Clyde and Jade. Death Weeps also picks up a special POV from another of the author's series: Queen Clara from Savage! There is some crossover between these two series now, and I think the author handled it very well. Although I am disappointed that an extremely intense scene has been spoiled for me once I return to the other series. But I am eager to see it from Clara's POV, since I'm sure she has a very different reaction to the events than Caleb did. I don't want to spoil why these series collide, but I will just mention that the paranormal abilities didn't originate how we thought, and there are a few new ones introduced in this book. Clara's world also provides new problems for Caleb and his friends.
Death Weeps is much darker and much more emotional that the previous books. There is so much heartache for Caleb, especially when it comes to Jade. She's been placed in a less than happy foster home, and her foster brother is just another thing Caleb feels he must protect her from. There's also the connection that Jade now shares with Brett after the end of the last book. It's something that Caleb is having trouble dealing with. Jade is also feeling overwhelmed by Caleb's constant need to shield her from everything. She just wants to have a normal life and relationship.
This series just keeps getting better and better. Even though there are some things that I didn't like, I can't help but love these books. Death Weeps may have started off weaker than the other books to me, but it definitely picks up later on. Nothing is what it seems in Kent, and it looks like Caleb is close to bringing out all of the secrets. It's not just his world that's in trouble now, and I cannot wait to see how this all ends.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.