Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jul 7, 2019
Can Aoife figure out what she wants?
All That Compels The Heart by Erin Bowlen is another soap opera book about a poor, wealthy girl who no one understands. Ms. Bowlen has a way to transport you to Ireland with her descriptions, but that wasn't enough. If some things could have gone differently, I think for it to be a bit better. Aoife O'Reilly and Michael Flanagan are interesting characters. Perhaps there is a reason why they say not to make big life decisions after the death of a loved one.
Aoife O'Reilly - Female Lead
Ms. O'Reilly is the main character as we follow her throughout the story. Aoife has gone through a lot of development from the beginning to the end. Well on parts of her life but not really on anything emotional. She says that she is a gypsy, but then Aiofe contradicts that by saying the home she is making is where she belongs. If that's the case, I think she would fight a bit more to stay in her home. Aoife is a very wishy-washy person, and she can't stick with one thing. She acts like a different person when near her family in Dublin, then when she is near her friends or when she is alone. She isn't one of my favorite characters; in fact, I didn't like her much by the end.
Michael Flanagan - Male Lead
Michael Flanagan is the male lead. He isn't rich but owns two small businesses and makes a good living. Michael is older than Aoife by five years. He and Aoife get together eventually, but were they meant to be? Everyone says that they are genuinely in love with each other, but Aoife doesn't behave like it. The two of them have a bit of a communication issue. They also don't fully trust either. Otherwise, they could talk to each other no matter what. I liked Michael and felt like he deserved better than what received.
Three Stars
All That Compels The Heart by Erin Bowlen was a pretty interesting read. Once it was all said and done, I was left with more questions than answers. I am sorely disappointed in this book, and I wanted to love it but with everything that went on in this long-winded book I wasn't satisfied. All That Compels The Heart by Erin Bowlen is getting a three-star rating from me. I thought this story would be completely different than what it turned out to be.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of All That Compels The Heart by Erin Bowlen.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove