Quirky Cat
The Avengers: Infinity Prose Novel is a novel that all Marvel (and MCU) fans should read, if they want to see their favorite characters take over a novel. Written by James A. Moore, this was a great experience for me. Though I should probably mention that I personally took advantage of listening to the audiobook (narrated by Dion Graham) in this instance.
The Avengers have once again reached out into the Marvel outerverse, but with Thanos sending his agents (Black Order) after Earth, those left behind will be hard-pressed to save the day. Heroes such as Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Namor ( know: depending on who you ask, Namor isn't a hero) the X-Men, and the Inhumans all feature heavily in this read!
Overall, Avengers: Infinity was a fantastic and fun experience. It really captured the personalities of all the heroes involved – which can be a challenge, given how many there were. I really enjoyed James A. Moore's voice in this story, and look forward to seeing what else he does in the Marvel universe.
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