Ing Cruz
Written on Nov 1, 2013
Chelsea Whitaker is a waitress at Rock'n Tapestries. A bar that has live bands playing there each night and is the place for any talented band that hasn't been discovered yet, to be seen. Chelsea was in love and had her heart broken by Asher Pratt. Chelsea loved Asher Pratt with all her heart but Asher could not committ or stay faithful. She hadn't seen Asher in 5 years but that boy still lives in her heart and hasn't let go of it. She's angry and holds a lot of anger towards Asher still. And just her luck his band will be playing at her Rock'n Tapestries. Asher is the lead guitarist for the popular local band The Dirty Turtles. Neither was expecting to see each other again. Chelsea did everything she could to not see him but sometimes fate is a bitch and an unexpected life threatening situation throws them together again. Next thing she knows, Asher is now an employee and bartender at Rock'n Tapestries. Now with Asher in her life again will Chelsea open her heart again and let him back in or will she keep away?
Chelsea was definitely the star of this book. This was her story and she took center stage. I loved her witty, sarcastic and take no crap self. She gave it to Asher and didn't let him walk all over her. I loved that she held to her guns and stuck to it. She did all this without coming off as bitchy or annoying. I loved her character and so hurt with her. I felt all her emotions. We've all had that one boy, you know the one that you know is toxic but you still want them anyway. I could so relate to her anger and then her heartbreak. Her story with Asher was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. She's a heroine that made an impression on me. I love Chelsea.
Asher! Sigh...you broke my heart. You really did. As I'm writing this I'm getting teary eyed again. I liked Asher. The glimpses we get of him, you can't help falling for him and wanting him to step up and work it out with Chelsea. For me I wish his character had been fleshed out more. I wanted more of him. I wanted more time to understand what made him tick and why he made the decisions he did. It made me angry and sad that he kept so much from Chelsea. Regret...Asher made me regret so much and I wasn't even his heroine. Just a big heartfelt blubbering sigh.
I cried. I cried big sobbing tears. The kind where the lips quiver and everything. I was not expecting this story to go where it went. I didn't expect Shari to take it there. After I closed the last pages on this book I sat there feeling regret. That's probably the best way to describe it. Not regret that I read this book because I really enjoyed the heck out of this book. But regret for the characters in this book. I wanted to shake my fist in the air and go "WHY"? I won't go into what happens because this is one you'll have to read for yourself and make your own decisions. People will either love or hate it. There is an HEA, but not your traditional HEA. I wanted more from this book as much as I enjoyed it. More time to get to know the characters that come in later into the book. More time to flesh out and know Asher a bit more. So I can't wait for book #2. I can't wait to see where Shari takes things. I can't wait to know more and see more of Chelsea and her HEA. I recommend Rock'n Tapestries. It's a beautiful story and it was a beautiful ugly real.
Review originally posted on blog: http://bit.ly/1g6ZVBJ