Written on Jun 21, 2018
In order for Alicia to help Jack, for some reason, she has to go away for the weekend with him on a business trip. The client, are also good friends of Jack, and Alicia has to pretend for the weekend in the Lake District that she is his girlfriend, what could go wrong?
Being a novella, you know things are going to progress and quick. We learn quite a bit of their backstory, but there were still some gaps that I would have loved to been answered. Due to Alicia 'researching' Jack, she had made a judgement on him before she had met him and wrote him off as a womaniser. I mean I get we would all do that, but she shut him down completely at the start, then when they got to the weekend away after a couple of wines she kissed him. I thought it was progressed probably a bit too quickly in terms of their feelings for each other with the little time they spent together. The judgement she had made on Jack was based on "him", the mysterious man from her past, who left her completely heartbroken and turned her into the Ice Queen, cue the drama for later on in the book. I did love Jack, albeit the arrogance, but he had a huge heart and knew his flaws.
I did LOVE the walk they went on in the Lake District, as the descriptions of the views sounded breathtaking. For someone who has never been there, but always longed to, I felt like I could picture it perfectly.
This is a perfect read, sitting in the garden in the early evening with a nice glass of wine (well we have to keep up with Alicia and Jack!)
*Thank you so much to Rachel at Rachel Random Resources and the author Juliet Archer for a copy of this book for my honest and unbiased opinion*