Emma (SCR)
Written on May 16, 2020
Our main character Alice was realistic. She was frustrating at times. I wanted her to speak up more but when you hear her back story you can see why she might not. I felt like she was a bit of a doormat at times. Max is a good man. He is a grafter and wants to celebrate the love of his life.
This is a feel-good book. Perfect for the current climate. It's a light easy read that helps you to switch off from the real world. While I can't physically go to Crete this is as close as. Sue is so descriptive I could almost feel myself there. The island is beautiful and while I have been there before I didn't explore too much so I would love to return. The Jeep trip and the trip to Santorini were amazing!
I can't wait to read more of Sue's books and be transported to more beautiful locations.