Written on Nov 4, 2018
My rating is 4.5 stars
Another fun Christmas novella by Shanna Hatfield!
I really enjoy stories where the hero is completely in love with the heroine and not afraid to let her know. And handsome Jess was in love with Doris. The fact that their families had been close made this even sweeter, in my opinion.
It was clever and fun the way the author carried on the pig theme from her previous book set in Romance. Doris’ grandson, Blayne, and his new wife, Brooke, still have the potbellied pigs she adopted in the previous story and named after the Winnie-the-Pooh characters. And now Jess has a pig that he claims is one he will be using for food, but everyone knows that the kindhearted rancher now has a pet. (And in case you missed it, Jess’ last name is Milne – the same as the author of the Pooh stories!)
The banter between Jess and Doris is amusing. The way they each tried so hard to pretend they weren’t attracted to the other was endearing.
This is another sweet Christmas story that would be a great addition to your library.
This review was originally posted on Among the Reads
I was given a free copy of this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.