I’d been in a rut of unsatisfying books when I started Roar. I was hopeful but also my tolerance for books was pretty low. I wasn't sure at first how far I'd get in this one until it started switching points of view. The main character was trapped a bit by her naivete (intentionally as an arc). So the other characters were able to give the story some depth and introduce intrigue. It was enough to hold my interest until it got good about halfway (two thirds?) through.
I think the hint of romance strung through it also kept me reading. The revelations weren't surprising but it was nice to have my expectations confirmed eventually.
I also thought the worldbuilding was interesting and different. It had a bit of depth, though not quite as much as it could have. Some things were a little vague like what's the point in having magic if anyone can steal the heart of a storm? I think that was kind of the point but it also felt a little like she was undermining her own mythology. Perhaps it simply could have been explained a bit more gracefully with a conversation around that topic between the characters.
I was all set to read the next book…except it's not available at my library. I imagine it's a strategy--get them interested in the first book so they'll spend money on the next one. But I read books first and then buy the ones I like and want to reread and I'm simply unsure of how much I'll like the next one. Once I put Roar down, it hasn't haunted me at all. So I guess this will remain an unfinished series for me…. at least for the time being.