Written on Mar 9, 2016
I loved how These Days of Our focused on specific moments in Kate's life. We didn't see the minutiae of her life, just the most important bits, and it was always interesting how life had moved on between each little chapter. Time had always moved on a little bit, there were new tragedies, new hopes, new fears, but the one constant thing in Kate's life was her cousin Becca, and her friend Charlie. I had mixed feelings about Becca. I'm sure she had the best of intentions, but she came across like a puppet master with her puppets, never really thinking through the consequences (because as far as Becca was concerned there's no such thing as a consequence). But I could see why Kate never gave up on her, because they were just too close to ever really be apart for any length of time.
I really liked Kate. And you would need to like Kate to really feel the emotions of this book, because this is Kate's life and we see her go through so much, for so many years, it's like an epic look into someone's life, something you would only normally be privy to if you were a friend. It felt like everything that happened to Kate was really, truly happening, it was that real, and intense. You just wanted Kate to have the best life possible, and aside from the whole Charlie thing, she did. She was awesome! And I kind of feel like if she hadn't gone through everything she had gone through, her relationship with Charlie might not have lasted, if they had gotten together decades ago.
These Days of Ours was such a good read. It was filled to the brim with so much emotion, so much heart, it's like Juliet poured her entire soul into this book, and we get to reap the reward as readers. It was such a satisfying book, too. There's nothing like finishing a story and just being so HAPPY. Like the story has done the full circle.