Written on Nov 19, 2014
I loved the setting of the story.Something about snowboarding in Colorado makes me think Christmas. I’ve never been there but it just seems like the perfect place. Plus I like that it takes place over multiple Christmas breaks, so you skip all the drama during the year in between. Ha ha. I could picture the whole thing, hot chocolate, sleigh rides and snowboarding. I think it helped that I read this when it’s been oddly snowing outside.
Savvy(Savannah) is such a sweet girl and it’s hard not to like her. I felt so angry for her with the stuff that went down with her mom. Then Glen goes and does something super dumb which doesn’t help. She kept saying she wasn’t that close with her dad but it felt like that side her family was tight. I think she didn’t realize how good of a relationship she actually has with him. I loved the way her grandfather and her are close as well.
The interesting thing about the story is that I felt like it’s more heavy on the Glen side. Savvy has her problems but I felt like the majority lay with Glen. He did a dumb thing but he also had a sort of good reason. I’m never a fan of people being concerned about how deserving they are of things. You don’t think you deserve it? Then work for it. I liked Glen a lot though and the things he does for Savvy are adorable.
I loved that Savvy’s dads girlfriends kids (mouthful there) are part of the story. Gives another layer to the family aspect. Plus it seems like there is a possibility it’s not the last we'll hear about Laney. Dalton kind of creeped me out. If he was in my face like that I would have decked him within the first five minutes. He was weirdly pushy.
The whole story was cute and perfect for christmas. I loved the setting and the romancing, the perfect read to curl up with some hot chocolate. I loved that Savannah and Glen have been friends forever and it blossoms into something different. Great holiday read.