Written on Jul 10, 2012
Michael Alexander likes his current life. He is the supervisor of a software company located in Mumbai which allows him to work at night. He enjoys his quiet life, snacking on odd human food and watching old movies. But Michael was not always a mainstreaming vampire. No, once upon a time, he terrorized the people of the European countryside, until the night that the villagers rose up against him and very nearly killed him. He has since learned he will live longer if he tries to live quietly with humans.
This predator is now being stalked. Bruce Thomas has spent his whole life being tormented by ghosts, but his vast internet research has shown him that the only being not subjected to ghosts are vampires; if only he could find one and get them to turn him. One fateful night, Bruce runs into Michael and he will do anything to get Michael to turn him and if that fails, Bruce will do what he can to keep the pretty Kari from being Michael’s next victim.
This was a very interesting read. It was a little lackluster since it was a set up story where we spent most of the time getting to know Kari and Michael and watching their friendship build. Michael is a bit quirky, but we are all creatures of habit and I guess if you live for centuries, your habits become more ingrained. He is more the guy-next-door than the usual larger-than-life vampire. We only briefly meet three of Kari’s friends, all of which seem very stereotyped, a hippie, new ager with her flowery dress and crystals, and the gay couple; and they disappear after helping Kari move in. Michael has no friends except for Kari.
Sadly, Kari and Michael’s relationship does lack heat. They become comfortable friends as the story progresses, and the lonely Michael would like to take their relationship further. Kari is moving on from a dangerous stalker boyfriend so she seriously weighs the pros and cons of a relationship with a vampire. This set up could make for a strong bond for our characters for future stories, or could just end up being a boring, like an old married couple. We’ll see.
There is an interesting set up which I am presuming is for the next story, and that is that only one person in the chat room seemed to believe that Bruce actually found a vampire, and that person was a little too interested; a possible vampire slayer? Or Michael’s maker? Michael appears to have no knowledge of himself. He believes he is the only vampire and doesn’t indicate either being born a vampire or being made and he has no knowledge about whether or not he can make a vampire or if it is even possible to make a vampire.
It was an easy read, and I am interested in seeing where the next story goes.
See more and meet the author at http://ebookobsessed.com.