Written on Sep 17, 2017
The story was gripping and fast-paced, with several flash-backs to help establish the details and set the stage for the rest of the story. The details about the Mafia execution that Ruth witnessed and her subsequent journey into witness protection were provided little by little, but in just the right manner to create a suspenseful story that flowed well.
Though some heavy topics, like prostitution, were brought up, and some of the prostitutes played minor roles in the stories, there were no details that were inappropriate, nor were their roles in the story related to their profession.
There was violence in the story, which was necessary, but there was not a lot of violence, nor was it described in detail.
There was a Christian element to the story. It was mostly mention of a character's salvation and of God's protection, and there was prayer. Doctrinal issues were not overt in this book.
This review was originally posted on Among the Reads