Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jun 13, 2017
Sadly, I have to say that this book is getting a two-star rating from me. The reason for this is because it’s a good idea for a story but something that didn’t really keep me entertained. There were also some grammatical errors and some spelling mistakes. The book wasn’t edited and it definitely shows a lot through the writing. The characters all seem to be really good and exciting to see in action in the book but it also seems a bit rushed during parts of the story.
Overall, this book has a lot of potential. I hope the author to go back, redo some things, add to it a bit and take his time with writing. Especially with the dialogue since I’m not sure that ageless angels would be talking like teenagers but then again who knows what they will sound like. Mr. Daniel Manning has a lot of potential to grow. I will keep my eye on this author's work as I believe that his books will become great one day.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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