Written on Jul 17, 2012
Liz was part of the popular crowd when she was alive. She was, basically, a horrible person if you got on her wrong side. She was very superficial and wouldn't even consider talking to someone who she thought was poor.
With that description of the main character, I was a little scared. I wasn't sure how I would enjoy reading about her, but to my surprise, I actually felt sorry for her. Her mom died when she was 9, so that ache of losing her mom was always there, and there were always rumors that her dad was having an affair before her mom died, so she never knew if her step sister was also her half sister.
Once Liz died she is stuck, basically, in between the living world, and where the dead go once they move on. So she is stuck watching everyone else around her continue on after her death.
When she first dies and is starting to realize what has happened, she meet's Alex. The only other 'ghost' that she can talk to. I really enjoyed reading about them. They were basically enemies, but they both helped each other out anyways.
This story is quite heartbreaking. It deals with anorexia and drugs, so it's definitely not something to take lightly. But I loved this book and want to run out and buy my own copy.