Written on Dec 6, 2019
Where's Halmoni? is a story in which two children on a search for their missing grandmother leads them through a world of Korean folklore.
I love that the story is vivid, beautiful, and dynamic. Each character has emotions and expressions unique to each of them, and again, that style is to die for! I just wish the characters they run into were more fleshed out. Why does the tiger covet that [spoiler, lmao]? Just because he's greedy? I mean, I know this is a picture book, but it is a lot longer than most, and just a simple sentence here would have worked. Why did everyone want that thing, too? I would've liked to know - and again, just one sentence would've worked. Was there a reason everyone in that world was starving? Maybe that would've been a clue, but it again was never explained (and maybe it's something I'm missing from the folklore itself).
Anyway, a very enjoyable picture book, made better by the book's format and illustration style. I might see if Julie Kim has other accounts or illustrations somewhere where I can follow ...