Written on May 26, 2009
There are really three main characters that you are following through out the book in their physical, mental, and spiritual battles. The adventure is laid out for the reader to enjoy right along with the characters. The only flaw points that draw me back are the parts where a character figures something out, but it is hidden from the reader. That makes me feel like an outsider, and I love the stories that are as if you are right along side them, and not viewing from a window, you know?
One of the best parts about this book are the historical facts and images that are brought to life and explained through out. As the characters are learning some historical pieces of the puzzle the explanations are given to the reader as well in an intriguing manner. Maybe it is because I have a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and this is just my thing, but over all I was thoroughly impressed and plan to look for more titles like this from Davis Bunn in the future.