Written on May 24, 2021
I haven't read a lot of Tessa Dare, but everything I have read I have thoroughly enjoyed. Romancing the Duke was no exception. I suppose it's meant to be a Beauty and the Beast retelling, and while I can see it, it's a little bit of a stretch.
Despite not quite living up to my expectations on the Beauty and the Beast front, the story and characters were fantastic. Izzy was fantastic. She's strong willed and determined; I loved the way she stood up to Ransom. She's resourceful and funny (I mean there were times where I burst out laughing and had to share her one-liners because they were that good). Then there's Ransom. A scarred, grumpy, blind hero - the perfect opposite to Izzy's determination, he's been hit hard by life recently and is out for the count. It was wonderful watching her get under his skin and transform him from "the beast."
Their romance may have made me a little misty eyed and most certainly had me fanning myself (read: sizzling hot!). The side story of Izzy's father's stories and massive fan following was entertaining and produced a surprise I wasn't expecting (though I really should have). Turns out I've read one of the other books in this series (#3) and I don't believe there's any connection, so perhaps they're entirely unrelated? I'll see, as I'd like to continue with the series.