Kim Deister
Luke is really at the forefront of this story, with Poet. He is spiraling out of control, in no small part because of his changing relationship with his best friend. And when she steps in to try to help him, he doesn’t it take it well. Things go badly quickly. Poet has her hands fill with Kade and his ongoing issues with his father, Luke and his newfound struggles, and the ever present problem with rogue paranormals and evil.
While still good, this one didn’t drag me in as much as the others thus far. The jealous best friend thing with Luke and Poet is getting a little old, and it feels a juvenile. Their dynamic… it’s almost as if their relationship halted them as teens. Poet is fine with Kade, on her own, or with the others. But with Luke, it’s as if she devolves. So I didn’t love that. And it was often hard to be sympathetic with Luke.
But one of the bright sides was Raven, which was unexpected. After embracing the role of secondary villain in the previous books, she was much more interesting and likeable. Max, too, as he finally came out of hiding abd began it interact more with the rest of the Mystic Caravan people. Loved that!