Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe)
Each of the women these stories are written about, suffer emotional times, heartache and devastation, and really tug at the heartstrings. I can't imagine going through the But, throughout all, the stories are focused on one beloved, cherished quilt with thought provoking scripture verse embroidered on it. This quilt reminds me of ones that my grandma quilts. She doesn't add the scripture verse but she will often add our names and the year she quilted it to the quilt. I have several and cherish them just as the characters in these stories do!
This book will completely captivate you and keep you up long into the night, turning each page. You'll fall in love with beautifully chiseled characters, and the presence of God is strong within these pages. The bonds of family are wrapped up in this quilted story and I loved that feeling! Wanda, Jean and Richelle, like a quilt, have pieced together a beautiful collection of stories for readers. I can't wait to read another 5 star collaboration by the talented hands of these women.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Shiloh Run Press/Wanda's Clippity Clop Club and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*