Written on Dec 12, 2014
Something Wiki was a younger novel that I expected - Jo and her friends are 12, and while they're not in my usual age-range, I really liked Jo. I found that her tale - where her rock star cool older brother ends up back in the family fold, with a pregnant girlfriend in two, and Jo's best friends suddenly don't feel like they're the best any more, and they're certainly not friendly.
Each chapter opens with an edited Wikipedia entry, and it took me a little while to realise what were the bits Jo edited, but I soon got in to it, and I found every Wikipedia entry was apt for the upcoming chapter, with Jo's chapters being very realistic. They were a super fun way to open up the chapter.
Jo was such a sweet narrator, too! I felt so sad for her to see that her "best" friends were deserting her, for reasons I still don't quite understand. When I was Jo's age, I had friends who did what Chloe and Stacey do to Jo and it made my life so awful to see people I thought were friends act so coldly, and meanly. It brought it all back and I felt so sad that Jo was being treated in that way. In fact, my only issue with the novel was that Chloe never told Jo why she'd started acting the way she did, and I didn't understand why Stacey just went along with it.
It was a lovely book all in all, the issues in the novel were all dealt with quite sensitively and the friendship thing definitely made me super sad. I loved getting to know Jo and her family, and especially Zim and Jen, Jo's brother and his girlfriend. They really were super cool, the kind of older brother you'd love to have in your life. It's definitely one a younger reader would lap up, and I would have loved a friend like Jo growing up.