Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe)
Written on Mar 6, 2019
Ms. Smith created Sarai’s story with rich detail. Sarai’s story is one of betrayal, faith, hope and trust. Sarai longs to wed her half-brother Abram. It’s with a promise of bearing him a son in turn for a promise to be faithful from him, that she’s able to marry him. But, as years pass and still now heir is conceived, she starts to worry.
Will Abram keep his promise to stay faithful to her, if she’s not able to conceive? This book is filled with the answer to that and so much more. The accuracy of the story is incredible. I haven’t read the Sarai/Abram’s story in long a time, but each page turn brought something with it that sparked my memory from my Bible studies. The richness in the meaning behind the story of trusting in God (or Adonai as he was called in the story) is beautiful. The trust and the betrayal, the sacrifice…all of it was captivating.
I definitely recommend this 5 Book worthy novel to everyone. There is passion (though it’s clean!), there is hope, there is mysteriousness, and there is fact. You’ll be swept away to a time before Jesus was born and live among the people of the story, as if you, too, were a part of it. Once again, Jill Eileen Smith has created a fabtastic start to a wonderful new series and I am in awe of the feeling I get after closing one of her novels. I can’t wait for book two to release! Great job, Ms. Smith!!!
This review originated at Reviews By Molly(now Cover To Cover Café) in part with a blog tour.
*This review is based on a complimentary copy which was provided for an honest review, be it negative or positive.*