Written on Aug 8, 2017
This is a how-to book. The sections and tutorials are grouped into: Adorable food and drinks, lovable nature, cheerful doodle monsters, everyday cute and charming holiday decorations. Each of the characters has a step by step tutorial and also includes inspiration pages and doodle pages for practicing what you've learned.
As with most how-to-draw books, it includes a list of materials (with a 'Don't Panic', pick up a pencil and draw! message), as well as tips and tricks to get the shy artist in motion.
What follows are pages and pages of step by step tutorials for creating your own kawaii doodle creations. The taco made me giggle out loud. Really really cute!
The book seems to be slanted to a mostly younger audience, but frankly I see kawaii stethoscopes and syringes and microscopes in my future 'meeting doodles' in the margins of my notes.
Well worth a look, especially if you have a young artist (or wannabe) on your hands.
Four stars
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.