by Christian Peltenburg-Brechneff, Donald Kuspit, and H. H. Gaj Singh
In the age of mechanical reproduction, many fail to appreciate intricate drawings made by hand, hands having become mere obsolete instruments these days, compared to the fast precision of the digital camera. Christian Peltenburg-Brechneff's drawings capture what the camera can never capture: the spirit of the places he has rendered. Brechneff takes on the challenge of exploring and translating the architectural and spiritual wonders of the 'lost' kingdoms of the Himalayas with brush and ink and...
Scrapbook Templates (Scrapbook Templates Abstract, #1)
by Roderick Edwards
Nutztiere - Nettes und stressabbauendes Malbuch - Kuh, Сolt, Widder, Pferd, andere
by David Kneller
Farm Animals - Coloring Book - 100 Zentangle Animals Designs with Henna, Paisley and Mandala Style Patterns
by Meryl Herron
Farm Bird and Animal - Coloring Book - 100 Zentangle Animals Designs with Henna, Paisley and Mandala Style Patterns
by Dana Waters
Colorful Mandalas Coloring Book For Adults beginners 2020
by Purecraft
Malbucher fur Erwachsene - Malbuch zum Stressabbau - Tiere - Fische
by Cecelia Kirchhoff
Libri da colorare per adulti per donne - Carta spessa - Animali - Yak
by Zelinda Savarino
Animaux de la ferme - Livre de coloriage pour adultes - Yak, porc, lapin, cheval et plus
by Marguerite Melosh
Livres a colorier pour adultes Mandala - Papier epais - Animaux - Yak
by Anne-Laure Monjo
This volume is both a manual for contemporary artists and a historical work covering the period from the late Middle Ages to the mid-20th century. It presents the old masters' techniques and provides specific directions for making inks, styluses, reed and quill pens, and fabricated chalks, as well as instructions for preparing grounds for metalpoint drawings. It comprises a body of knowledge that should be useful to artists, students of art history, curators, and collectors.
The Luxe Sketch Book, 100 sheets, 7'' x 10'' (Leeve cover)
by VIV Journals
Libri da colorare per adulti - Modelli e disegni - Animali - cammelli
by Sveva Scolaro
Coloring Books for Adults Mandala Animals - Stress Relieving Animal Designs - Dogs
by Aubrey Freeman