Written on Jun 29, 2020
There are standouts amongst them— Judy Grahn, Mark Segal, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, Rev. Perry, Jeanne Córdova, Joel Hall. I highlighted half of the Martha Shelley essay. And I will say that Marcia P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Karla Jay, and Craig Rodwell all get a better platform in Duberman’s book, but the key is the chorus, and the varying viewpoints that try to both cut through the myth and ensure that what happened doesn’t get lost to history.
Great book. Extra poignant reading this on June 28, 2020, while various Pride marchers and protesters clash with the NYPD.
The riot was about the police doing what they constantly did: indiscriminately harassing us. The police represented every institution of America that night: religion, media, medical, legal, and even our families, most of whom had been keeping us in our place. We were tired of it. And as far as we knew, Judy Garland had nothing to do with it. (Mark Segal)