Written on Oct 20, 2018
***4.5 Stars***
I can take or leave “spoilers” to be honest. If I have a trusted author releasing a book, I don’t want to know ANYTHING about what’s next/going on. Layla Frost is in...Read more
I do eventually get to the nitty-gritty…
***4.5 Stars***
I can take or leave “spoilers” to be honest. If I have a trusted author releasing a book, I don’t want to know ANYTHING about what’s next/going on. Layla Frost is in this category and I know that every book will be a surprise. I don’t even want to see the ratings of other readers before it hits my Kindle. But, If I’m curious or tempted by a new author, I need to know a little more before I even contemplate buying.
So, this is a review for readers who, like me, can take or leave “spoilers” but may want to know a little before going in. If you want to go in blind, then, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU STILL READING FOR? If you’re a curious person, new reader or spoiler lover, please proceed but know that I’m not going to give it all away. I am going to give you something though. That something is the one thing that made me hesitate to LOVE this book from the start.
Now that I have that off my chest…here we go.
I LOVE paranormal romance but the one type that never really does it for me is stories with ghosts in it. Not that I'm saying this is a ghost story, BUT, that cover did make me go along the path that there may be a ghostly type of hero in it. I just don't know how the heck you fall in love with someone you can never touch? Sure, you can have a level of love that can leave you somewhat satisfied, but for me, I need touch. So, I started Styx wondering how the heck am I supposed to fall in love with a man who’s not there? And, I NEED to love my hero.
So, here’s my big and brash spoiler…he can and will touch!! And, Holy Shamoly, he can TOUCH (HUBBA HUBBA!!)
Now, I’ll take likes and loves for that big and brash spoiler, because, you know, I’m here for you. I’ve got your back. I won’t steer you down a wonky path...well not too wonky.
OK, now that’s done, let’s talk story time. Styx was bloody awesome, but then again, it was written by one of my favourite writers, so I knew it was going to be bloody awesome. The characters were original, funny and very entertaining. The storyline, once it got going, was exciting, sexy and pulled at my heart. The additional characters enhanced Styx and made it come alive for me. The goodies were so good I wanted to keep them for myself. The baddies, I wanted to see suffer and pay for their dastardly deeds. I definitely ended Styx wanting more.
I absolutely loved Denny and her kooky ways. I kind of think a little of Layla Frost is in Denny. Not saying Layla’s kooky or anything (MUCH) but when you meet Denny, you get the feeling she’s a real person. I haven’t “met” Layla (she hasn’t bothered to visit me here in Australia…YET) but we’ve “known” each other for years. Of course, I could be totally off base but I just get the impression that Denny was created to let Layla’s kooky flag fly.
OMG!! Look at me rambling AGAIN!!!
So, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. I loved Denny and her long-time relationship with her best friend. Her new witchy friend is AWESOME!! Her dad was a DOUCHEWAFFLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS! Her past relationships and the nightmare dates she went on were hilarious. I loved Denny’s independence but hated that she’s had so much time alone. She deserved so much more and I’m glad she found someone to take away her loneliness.
This brings us to Nate. Holy Heaven and Hell…I really loved getting to know Nate. I’m going to stop here, though. Sure I gave you a big and brash spoiler but, I kind of thing you need to meet Nate yourself and get to know him in a proper way. You know, like a formal introduction, meet and greet…see inside his head, kind of way.
Now, this story was almost perfect for me. My only wee problem was that it took too long to get to the good parts. Sure, I know a series needs an intro into the world, meet the people and set the scene, but, I’m a really impatient bugger and I just wanted to get to it already. Honestly, it’s worth the wait and I LOVED the second half of the story. I just wanted the heart-pumping, earth-shattering excitement to come sooner.
I really enjoyed Styx and I can’t wait for more. Layla Frost writes a thoroughly entertaining story packed with intrigue and excitement. We get treated to a hero that’s the full package. The heroine is funny, a little kooky, strong and smart. The sexy times are HOT!!! From the very beginning, you can tell there’s a serious connection. That first touch was electric and you knew that they were perfect for each other.
Denny and Nate are happy for now but it’s obvious that their story will continue. If I’m reading things right, the absolutely lovable witchy friend will be up next and after that little pass out worthy bomb at the end, it’s going to be very, very interesting.
Sorry for the rambling. You know how I get sometimes. xoxoxo
Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
***4.5 Stars***
I can take or leave “spoilers” to be honest. If I have a trusted author releasing a book, I don’t want to know ANYTHING about what’s next/going on. Layla Frost is in this category and I know that every book will be a surprise. I don’t even want to see the ratings of other readers before it hits my Kindle. But, If I’m curious or tempted by a new author, I need to know a little more before I even contemplate buying.
So, this is a review for readers who, like me, can take or leave “spoilers” but may want to know a little before going in. If you want to go in blind, then, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU STILL READING FOR? If you’re a curious person, new reader or spoiler lover, please proceed but know that I’m not going to give it all away. I am going to give you something though. That something is the one thing that made me hesitate to LOVE this book from the start.
Now that I have that off my chest…here we go.
I LOVE paranormal romance but the one type that never really does it for me is stories with ghosts in it. Not that I'm saying this is a ghost story, BUT, that cover did make me go along the path that there may be a ghostly type of hero in it. I just don't know how the heck you fall in love with someone you can never touch? Sure, you can have a level of love that can leave you somewhat satisfied, but for me, I need touch. So, I started Styx wondering how the heck am I supposed to fall in love with a man who’s not there? And, I NEED to love my hero.
So, here’s my big and brash spoiler…he can and will touch!! And, Holy Shamoly, he can TOUCH (HUBBA HUBBA!!)
Now, I’ll take likes and loves for that big and brash spoiler, because, you know, I’m here for you. I’ve got your back. I won’t steer you down a wonky path...well not too wonky.
OK, now that’s done, let’s talk story time. Styx was bloody awesome, but then again, it was written by one of my favourite writers, so I knew it was going to be bloody awesome. The characters were original, funny and very entertaining. The storyline, once it got going, was exciting, sexy and pulled at my heart. The additional characters enhanced Styx and made it come alive for me. The goodies were so good I wanted to keep them for myself. The baddies, I wanted to see suffer and pay for their dastardly deeds. I definitely ended Styx wanting more.
I absolutely loved Denny and her kooky ways. I kind of think a little of Layla Frost is in Denny. Not saying Layla’s kooky or anything (MUCH) but when you meet Denny, you get the feeling she’s a real person. I haven’t “met” Layla (she hasn’t bothered to visit me here in Australia…YET) but we’ve “known” each other for years. Of course, I could be totally off base but I just get the impression that Denny was created to let Layla’s kooky flag fly.
OMG!! Look at me rambling AGAIN!!!
So, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. I loved Denny and her long-time relationship with her best friend. Her new witchy friend is AWESOME!! Her dad was a DOUCHEWAFFLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS! Her past relationships and the nightmare dates she went on were hilarious. I loved Denny’s independence but hated that she’s had so much time alone. She deserved so much more and I’m glad she found someone to take away her loneliness.
This brings us to Nate. Holy Heaven and Hell…I really loved getting to know Nate. I’m going to stop here, though. Sure I gave you a big and brash spoiler but, I kind of thing you need to meet Nate yourself and get to know him in a proper way. You know, like a formal introduction, meet and greet…see inside his head, kind of way.
Now, this story was almost perfect for me. My only wee problem was that it took too long to get to the good parts. Sure, I know a series needs an intro into the world, meet the people and set the scene, but, I’m a really impatient bugger and I just wanted to get to it already. Honestly, it’s worth the wait and I LOVED the second half of the story. I just wanted the heart-pumping, earth-shattering excitement to come sooner.
I really enjoyed Styx and I can’t wait for more. Layla Frost writes a thoroughly entertaining story packed with intrigue and excitement. We get treated to a hero that’s the full package. The heroine is funny, a little kooky, strong and smart. The sexy times are HOT!!! From the very beginning, you can tell there’s a serious connection. That first touch was electric and you knew that they were perfect for each other.
Denny and Nate are happy for now but it’s obvious that their story will continue. If I’m reading things right, the absolutely lovable witchy friend will be up next and after that little pass out worthy bomb at the end, it’s going to be very, very interesting.
Sorry for the rambling. You know how I get sometimes. xoxoxo
Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.