Mystereity Reviews
Written on Jun 27, 2013
The pregnant woman, Holly, was annoying and served very little purpose, IMHO. I had to wonder why it was included. There wasn't any need for her character development (or her husband's for that matter) and really served only as a distraction. The truth behind the bones in the backyard was the same thing; not much of a story and really could've been solved in the first 2 chapters. What I really didn't like was the turn from Alex becoming the Sherlock and Milo becoming the Watson. Yeah, I know Alex is the main character, but to demote Milo from being the capable sidekick to a face rubbing lackey really disappointed me. The whole Brangelina/TomKat storyline didn't do much for me either. Too contrived and unfulfilling. Made me wonder if Kellerman is angling for a movie deal or smarting from losing a movie deal. Hmm.
All in all not the worst in the series and worth a read, but not the best. If I were new to the Alex Delaware series and read this one first, it might've put me off to reading the earlier books, which were much better.