Written on Mar 3, 2012
This is one of those stories you need to stick with. The first overwhelming thought when you start the story will be the “this is a cheap Twilight knockoff,” as I am sure any werewolf/vampire/new girl love triangle will now face from here on out. I had some issues with the characters, beside the “twilight” flashbacks, including the picnic that William takes Gen to in the meadow full of flowers…(hmmm, I’ve been here before…) The great love with William was really quick. Her friend Luna was hugging her one moment and then yelling at her or giving dirty looks the next. (I think they have pills for that.) There was also a part where they were waylaid on their adventure and were brought to a house where the gentlemen and his friends draw guns on Gen and her friends, and then seemed surprised when they turn into werewolves. There was never any real explanation of what these guys wanted if it wasn’t about distracting the werewolves from their quest. Let me more with a "WTF was that about" feeling? Especially considering the werewolves were supposed to be protecting her and she’s the only one going “something’s not right here,” and they’re going “no worries.”
So I did make a lot of noises and groaning when I started, but not enough to stop reading. As I kept reading the story did get better and as I moved pasted my feeling of twilight flashbacks and started to get into the story, I was truly enjoying it. Enough to be pissed off when the story ended I was left with a preview of book 2. There is no information yet as to when book 2 will be released.
I gave it four stars because after a rocky start, it did pick up and it is not a bad first novel.
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