I never knew that were people in America, and no doubt in this country, work freelance, sometimes for food and board to find the missing people that other people forget about. I am in awe of these people, these people who have given up their lives to travel all over to get closure for these families. I mean hats off to these people. Just I have no words.
Back to the story though, Frankie is one of these people, she has nothing, all she wants is bed and board and the freedom to locate Angelique, the missing girl. She has a past that is slowly uncovered and as with most pasts it is a heartbreaking one and one you really wish wouldn’t be true. Frankie, is white and she is heading into a part of Boston where she is really not welcome, she is the minority. No one wants to help her, but she powers through, and she starts to cause ripples, these ripples do not make some people happy. She builds some friendships and I loved seeing these blossom, even if you know that they are short term.
I loved Frankie and I love her story, I know this is Ms Gardner’s first standalone novel in 10 years or so, but I would love Frankie to have her own series. I feel there is so much more with her. I want to know more about her past and what drove her to do what she does.
I really enjoyed this and I just want more. Frankie is raw, real and unapologetic about the way she is and why should she. She has her mission and she does not deter from that, she wants the closure one way or another. Just like us the reader.