Written on Jul 25, 2018
Be careful what you wish for.....
In a world where such things as "Inexplicable Developments" (aka IDs) exist, one must be wary that their life may change overnight. That was what happened to both Konrad and Camilla. Konrad, who was recently dumped woke up looking better than a Disney prince, and Camilla arose to find her features distorted, her stature shortened, and her athletic body out of shape. These once average teens were forced to deal with a lot of new attention, most of which they didn't want.
The Good
This book was rather fun. Plata explored and exposed the beauty standard in several ways, which I found interesting, honest, and sometimes, sad. I appreciated the struggles both Camilla and Konrad experienced, and thought they evolved over the course of the book. I really liked the friendship that developed between Konrad and Camilla, even if it wasn't always on the up and up, and I thought Plata rounded out the cast with some great friends and family.
I Wish
I actually really enjoyed many of the auxiliary characters, and though we learned some about them, I would have like to known them better.
With that said, I do believe the author accomplished what he set out to do in terms of exposing the privilege that accompanies traditional physical beauty, and he did so in a way that was rather fun.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.