Written on Nov 18, 2013
We’re fully introduced to Sentry, who was only briefly spotlighted before as a shivering half naked guy who said he killed his wife. We meet him again and he’s pretty much the same, though eventually he does put on more clothing. I feel like they were trying to give Sentry a good introduction into the Avengers, but instead it turned into a mess that I could barely follow. We find out his background or lack there of, and eventually we find out why…and then I threw my hands in the air because at the end of I failed to see the point of wasting 4 issues on something so trivial. He does some stuff, it’s kind of cool and makes a mess…and then we find out why and it’s convoluted mess of lame.
So while the art remains pretty nice and Spiderman still makes me laugh, this one failed to deliver truly worth my time. I am interested to how the Sentry story-line plays out or if it just gets lost, and the next section of issues promises some more answers in terms of Spider-woman so I’m curious enough to continue.